Manuscript Submission Guidelines


Authors for the Educational Justice Journal must declare the contents of the manuscript have not been submitted elsewhere except for as an abstract for a conference proceeding.

Manuscripts must be prepared according to the following Educational Justice Journal Guidelines. 

Submission Review

The EJJ is published twice per year. General submission deadlines are the second week of July for the Fall (December) issue, and the second January for the Spring issue. Specific dates will be made available for each issue.

Manuscripts are reviewed by a blind peer review process, detailed below. Inquiries regarding the submission process can be addressed to

Aims & Scope

The Educational Justice Journal is a publication that advocates for improving equity and equality in education. We support the scholarship of educators who believe that every student deserves educational justice. In the United States, there are achievement gaps that disproportionately affect underrepresented and underserved children, including minorities, low income families, English Language Learners, children with different abilities, and gender disparities. Educational justice is a call to use education as a tool for creating positive change in the world.

EJJ publishes current research in theory and practice promoting educational equity in the areas of:

Preparing Your Manuscript

All manuscripts should conform to the following document format: Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins.

Title Page

  1. No abbreviations in the title
  2. Include full names of authors
    1. Provide institutional affiliations
    2. Contact information for author submitting
      • Email addresses
      • Postal address
      • Telephone number
  1. Acknowledgments
  2. Running Title should be no more than 13 words or 40 characters

Main Text

Since manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed; please do not include any identifying information for the main text submission. Include the following information in this format:

  1. Title, abstract (no more than 250 words), key words
  2. Text
  3. References
  4. Tables (include title and footnotes for each)
  5. Figure legends


References should follow the approved formats: APA 7th Edition, MLA, or Chicago.

Tables and Figures

Tables should be numbered consecutively and be placed on a separate page with the legend listed above. Define abbreviations in footnotes.

Use the symbols: *,**,*** for p values.

The table and legends must be clear, concise and comprehensive. Tables should accompany text and should be understandable.

Figures must be clear, concise and comprehensive. If applicable, figures should include definitions for symbols used. Figures should be placed in a separate file with identifying numbers.